Passive House

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Passive House is a building performance standard that leaves little to the wind, and the results are exciting; 80% less energy-use than conventional equivalent buildings.

Premised simply, “maximize your gains, minimize your losses”, a Passive House building optimizes the envelope with air-tight construction, high insulation values, and the elimination of thermal bridging. The efficient envelope coupled with controlled ventilation, offers the opportunity to significantly downsize the building’s mechanical system and puts a building steps away from achieving true “net zero” energy-use without the use of expensive equipment.

Our commitment is integrated in our current projects, where we have collaborated with architects who follow the Passive House performance standard. And now our in-house commitment has greatened after graduating Devin as a Certified Passive House Consultant as of January 2012!

Passive House principles seem to be a perfect fit for our studio as we continually seek to holistically and harmoniously integrate sustainability, building performance, and aesthetics into the experience of inhabiting our buildings.

Jenn Shore